I don't believe you can answer my question. So I doubt you will attempt to do so. This line of inquiry sent you packing the last time we discussed "607" with you on this board.
If you cannot or will not give me a straight answer to this question I must conclude one of the following:
1. You are so "mentally challenged" that you cannot understand this simple question. I doubt that is the case.
2. You are so completely brainwashed that you refuse to allow yourself to seriously consider any question that might shake your faith in the organization. I believe this is a possibility, but an unlikely one.
3. You are absolutely insane, in much the same way that a fellow who used to post here under a lot of different names (Gary, Larry, Bibleman, JCannon, etc.) claiming to be Jesus Christ was insane. Many here would often try to reason with him to no avail. He was very happy living in his fantasy world and, because he was, he would allow no reality to disturb that happiness. I believe this is a strong possibility in your case.
4.You are evil. Possibly even under demonic influence. As such, you are deliberately doing all you can to promote what you know are false teachings and a corrupt religious organization in order to harm any who may believe what you know to be Watchtower lies. I think this is a possibility.
5. You are an "apostate" who is only pretending to be a JW. As such you are doing your best, as well as any real JW could possibly do, to present and defend JW arguments for the date 607. You are doing so in order to show everyone who reads these boards how totally lacking in merit the Watchtower's position and arguments are on this subject matter. Again, I believe this is a possibility, but an unlikely one.
6. You engage in these discussions as a form of self amusement. You know you are wrong. But you enjoy being the center of attention and playing this game. I think this is most likely what is going on here.